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Random Weekend Star Wars Fun (5/2&3)

Posted By Mike on May 3, 2009

Check out the random stories/links below along with a fun batch of random videos for this weekend.

Billy Dee Williams is headed to General Hospital! From SoapOperaDigest.com:

"The actor will reprise the role of Toussaint DuBois, which created on the SOAPnet spinoff, GH: NIGHT SHIFT. In the storyline, Toussaint will hit town during a break from touring with his band, The Saints, to check in on his special friend, Epiphany (Sonya Eddy). Look for Williams to start airing in early June."

Thanks to Mike M. for the heads up!

Seems as if Natalie Portman has started a filmmaking website called, MakingOf.

From the "About" section of the site:

"MakingOf is a behind-the-scenes Web portal, founded by Natalie Portman and Christine Aylward, that provides an intimate, fresh look into the process of creating entertainment by the insiders themselves. Our mission is to champion the art and craft of entertainment creation. We started MakingOf because we realized that so much of what goes into entertainment creation is unavailable to the people who love and consume it the most. We wanted to give fans a way to experience that creation and learn from the insiders and thus MakingOf was born. When you visit MakingOf you will experience behind-the-scenes content, exclusive access to industry insiders, and an interactive, entertainment-focused community forum. It is your all-access pass to learn from and interact with actors, directors, producers, writers, and more. Film school for everyone! And film is just the start. Stay posted as we add additional features."

Click here and check it out! (via ClubJade.net)

GeekDad at Wired.com celebrates 10 years of LEGOs and Star Wars. Click here!

See below for links to the Official Starwars.com Blog that we may not have covered or linked to this week...

K-ON! Trooper
Doctor Who Wears Stormtrooper Bling
Wellington Dance Trooper
Someone to Walk in Artoo?s Shoes

Random video above: "Yoda gets bored of Luke's Moaning" (via ClubJade.net)

Random video above: "Star Wars meets High School Musical" (Thanks Tom!)

Random video above: "Horror Movie Icons do have a heart!" (Thanks Tom!)

Random video above: "Darth Vader for President '08" (Thanks Tom!)

Random video above: "Chop Suey/ assault on the death star" (Thanks Tom!)

Have a great week everyone!

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