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Random Weekend Star Wars Fun (8/29&30)

Posted By Mike on August 30, 2009

Lots of random fun this week...

We begin this week with a couple offerings from Star Wars Clube Portugal. Click here to check out their interview with Star Wars artist Nicole Faulk and here for a feature on some fun Yoda origami. Both can be viewed in Portuguese or English. (Thanks Joao!)

There's new/reprinted Hyperspace fiction up at the main site. Fan club members can click here to read "Passages."

BBC News talks with Ian McDiarmid about his upcoming Radio 4 drama series, The Pickerskill Reports, and naturally Star Wars came up: (Thanks Tom!)

You've got this vast body of work but to many generations you are most recognised for Star Wars, does that bother you?

No, it's great. It's extraordinary - and thank goodness my face isn't that recognisable.

As the series went on of course, they took more and more latex away and more of me was revealed. But the franchise has gone to sleep a little bit over the past few years, so I can get by without being stopped on the street on a regular basis.

It was a great thing to do and I enjoyed it thoroughly. It was an enormous lucky break and great fun, and I always speak fondly of it.

Do you get involved in the Star Wars fan world?

I haven't no. I try to keep separate from that. There's the odd charity event when people ask me where I'll go along and say hello and chat and be interviewed, or whatever they like, but no I don't really want to be involved in that side, but I love being involved in the movies.

Some of the actors have made it their life and career

They have and they have made a good life out of it and good luck to them."

Here are a couple Yoda crafts pointed out to us by ClubJade.net:
Fleece hat
Reusable grocery tooe

The Baltimore Sun takes a look at the previously posted about Luke Skywalker prosthetic arm. (via SW.com)

UPI.com reminds us that LEGO: Star Wars is now 10 years old! (via SW.com)

See below for links to the Official Starwars.com Blog that we may not have covered or linked to this week...

Best Wookiee Prom Ever
Happy 15th TheSWCA.com!
What If Venture Bros. and Clone Wars Writers Swapped Places?
Mos Eisley Cantina Nod in Defying Gravity?
Now I Am the Math-ter

Random video above: A former Jedi and Jedi-related quotes in the trailer for The Men Who Stare At Goats starring George Clooney, Ewan McGregor, Kevin Spacey and Jeff Bridges. (Thanks Zack!)

Random video above: "Darth Mario: A Tribute" (Thanks Tom!)

Random video above: "Vader & Earl Voice Over Fun" (Thanks Tom!)

Have a great week!

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