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Random Weekend Star Wars Fun (1/17&18)

Posted By Mike on January 18, 2009

Anyone else excited for the NFL playoffs today? Anyhoo...

Click here for a Star Wars designer makeover at JustinSpace.com. (via ClubJade.net)

Bonnie Burton talks Star Wars with Mastadon guitarist Bill Kelliher at the main site. See the intro below and click here for the interview.

"Mastodon guitarist Bill Kelliher not only collects Star Wars toys, his fandom is also skin deep -- quite literally with tattoos. He also named his son Harrison, after everyone's favorite sarcastic rogue. StarWars.com chats with Bill about his love for the saga and offers a few tips on how to escape the wrath of both Jabba the Hutt and IG-88."

Some links to the Official Starwars.com Blog we may not have covered or linked to previously...

Stormtrooper Speed Racer
Trooper at Coming of Age Day
Empire Billboard Fetches $14K on eBay
Star Wars Sneaks into Watchmen Doc

Is Qui-Gon Jinn an American tourist? Click here for one opinion.(LiveJournal via ClubJade.net)

AceShowbiz offers up a description of the Terminator Salvation preview in New York. And the part that loosely relates to Star Wars:

"Aside from previewing some footage, director McG also talked about where the inspirations for John Connor character came from. To MTV, he stated that he and Jonathan Nolan were influenced by the stories of Luke Skywalker and Neo from "The Matrix" as well as Jesus. "Jesus," the filmmaker gushed. "Here's a guy who's saying, 'Listen to me, I know what's going on.' Some people listen, some people don't believe a word he's saying."'

(Thanks Matt!)

Above random video: "A Tribute to Captain Gilad Pellaeon" (Thanks Tom!)

Above random video: "LOST Parody #5 : Indiana Jones & the Mystery of LOST Island" (Thanks Tom!)

Have a great week everybody....and go Ravens!!!

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