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Random Weekend Star Wars Fun (10/24&25) Posted By Mike on October 25, 2009
Not a huge random post this weekend but there's some good stuff all the same...
Let's start off by taking a look back 10 years as defends the death of the mighty Chewbacca.
Oh those wacky, new Star Wars trilogy rumors. They certainly get our attention for all the good and the bad. With recent rumors in mind, lists 5 reasons why Star Wars sequels would be worse than the prequel trilogy. LANGUAGE WARNING if you click the link. (via
Random video above: "Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Frontline"
Random video above: "Star Wars Floppy Disc" - I'm pretty positive we've previously posted this but it's still pretty cool in case you missed it. (Thanks Tom!)
Random video link: Can't embed this one, so click here as stormtroopers tip a few back while remembering those lost in the first Death Star. (Thanks Tom!)