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Random Weekend Star Wars Fun (5/9&10)

Posted By Mike on May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there!

Random Wars/Trek Fun: The Houston Chronicle explains the differences between Star Wars and Star Trek fans... (via ClubJade.net)

"The two Star worlds represent different strata of nerdiness, with Trek the fundamentalist faith of the two. Grown Star Wars fans might offer self-deprecating humor based on their fandom, but it doesn?t inspire the stigmatized reverence that Trek does.

Some of that is the difference between dramatic space opera and harder science fiction, the former basically a Western set in space, the latter more speculative fiction with an affinity for how things work in the future."

MTV.com, on the other hand, looks into ILM contributions to the new Star Trek flick and how it's a bit more Star Wars-like than the Trek of old...

'"That was the fun of it," Abrams explained to us recently. "[I] was trying to combine both of those elements and make a movie that wasn't like a 'Star Wars' movie but felt that it had more pace and action than certain 'Star Trek' movies had."

Perhaps as a result, Captain Kirk is chased down on an ice planet by an enormous creature, Wampa-style. An early scene introduces Uhura at a bar populated by hard-drinking aliens. And in one key scene, the villain proves his ruthlessness by destroying the home planet of a key character.

"In our early conversations, [co-writer] Alex [Kurtzman] kept saying, 'We have to put a little "Star Wars" into our "Star Trek," ' " remembered Roberto Orci, who wrote the film with Kurtzman. "It was our chocolate and our peanut butter, kind of getting into each other."'

Click here for a preview clip of tonight's all new Family Guy episode featuring some Star Wars figures. (PARENTS BEWARE OF ADULT CONTENT)

Random LEGO Star Wars Fun: Gizmodo shows off every LEGO mini-figure ever made!

See below for some links to the Official Starwars.com Blog that we may not have covered or linked to this week...

Chewie Meets Chipmunk
Celebs Twitter About #Starwarsday
May the 4th Be With You!

Random Star Wars Mother's Day video: "Star Wars Episode 7 Revenge of my mom" (The moral of this video...listen to your mother and eat your vegetables!)

Random Star Wars Mother's Day video: "One Love: Tone Poem for Shmi Skywalker" (via ClubJade.net)

Random video above: "Stormtrooper Chorus Line" (Thanks Tom!)

Random video above: "Darth Vader - JEDI MASTERCARD" (Thanks Tom!)

Random video above: "Darth Vader vs Darth Maul" (Thanks Tom!)

Have a great week!

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