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Ejagga Pakkpekatt

this Hortek Colonel served the New Republic as part of the Intelligence agency. He was placed in command of the Glorious and was sent to intercept the Teljkon vagabond about twelve years after the Battle of Endor. He was constantly at odds with Lando Calrissian, but often recognized the worth of Lando's opinion. He did not approve of Lando's bold move to gain entrance to the vagabond, and was even less happy with the escape of the vagabond near Gmir Askilon. The flight of the vagabond rendered the Kuari a derelict, caused numerous deaths and injuries, and left him without a clue as to the whereabouts of the ship. Calrissian, Lobot, R2-D2, and C-3PO were also aboard the vagabond when it fled. This combination of events led the New Republic to recall the majority of Pakkpekatt's fleet, although he was given a few ships to chase the vagabond and rescue Calrissian. He eventually took control of the Lady Luck and was brought to the vagabond when C-3PO activated its slave circuit. The ships jumped around from the Prakith System to the planet Brath Qella, where the true purpose of the vagabond was revealed.
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