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this Yuuzhan Vong priestess accompanied Harrar on his mission to oversee the invasion of the known galaxy, after the loss of Shedao Shai's fleet at Ithor. Originally trained by the priestess Falung, Elan was considered beautiful by both Yuuzhan Vong and human terms, having a shapely figure and long, raven-black hair. Her father was a personal advisor to Supreme Overlord Shimrra. She agreed to become a hostage, as part of a plan to begin wiping out the Jedi Knights. She allowed herself to become a host for a group of bo'tous, a bioweapon which could be exhaled in a confined space, killing all beings who breathed it in. She herself knew that survival was not guaranteed, but knew that her mission would place her in a position of greatness with the Deception Sect. The plan was for Elan to be captured and request political asylum, as well as a meeting with the Jedi Knights. She offered them the antidote to the disease which had been killing Mara Jade Skywalker, as an indication of her sincerity. In a battle staged to provide cover, she and her familiar, Vergere, jettisoned from a Yuuzhan Vong warship and was rescued. She was initially questioned on Wayland, but a planted "assassin" tried to kill her. She was then escorted to Coruscant by Major Showolter, but their ship - the Queen of Empire -was attacked by the Peace Brigade. The mercenaries hoped to return Elan to the Yuuzahn Vong, to prove their loyalty and worth. Showolter was injured, and Han Solo was asked to escort her. Han was unable to escape with Elan, and they were discovered by Reck Desh and the Peace Brigade. Elan was brought to the mercenaries' ship, in preparation for returning her to the Yuuzhan Vong. Elan took matters into her own hands, exhaling one breath of the bo'tous to kill the mercenaries. However, when she tried to kill Solo as well, she found herself trapped in the hold of the Millennium Falcon with the bioweapon. She quickly succombed to the death it brought.
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