this young, near-human female was one of the many young Jedi Padawans who were thrust into battle during the Clone Wars. She was assigned to Aayla Secura during the hunt for Shu Mai, when the clone troopers she was working with were added to Secura's troops. Ekria was an accomplished slicer who used a variety of mathematical techniques to infiltrate systems and analyze data. It was her calculations, based on Commerce Guild financial transactions, that helped the Jedi locate Barriss Offee on Felucia, just prior to the First Battle of Coruscant. It was Ekria, working with Zonder and Drake Lo'gaan, who intercepted the communication of Order 66 to Commander Bly on Felucia. Interestingly, they found that it had been sent on a secure Republic link, but with encryption used by the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Unfortunately, they discovered the message's true intent too late, and were forced to stand by as Aayla Secura was cut down by Bly and his clones. After escaping from Felucia, Ekria, Zonder, and Drake returned to Coruscant as refugees, then slipped into the Jedi Temple. There, Ekria erased all information on them from the computer banks of the Jedi Archives, allowing them to continue to operate undercover.