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a Noghri of the clan Bakh'tor, Ekhrikhor was the leader of the group that followed the Millennium Falcon to Wayland, after it was discovered that Grand Admiral Thrawn was using the facility to make clones during the early years of the New Republic. Ekhrikhor and his band of Noghri spent much of their time concealed, working to make a path toward Mount Tantiss for Luke's group while keeping the native Psadans and Myneyrsh at bay. After revealing himself, Ekhrikor explained that it had been Cakhmaim who asked them to travel to Wayland, since he feared that Han Solo might not appreciate their help. After the Republic liberated Wayland from Imperial control, Ekhrikhor tried to destroy the multitude of artifacts found inside Mount Tantiss, claiming that everything within was part of the memory of Palpatine and should be eradicated. Garv Debble protested, and Leia Organa Solo eventually had to step in and allow Debble the opportunity to complete his work. Ekhrikhor abided by Leia's decision, even if he didn't agree with it.
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