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this assassin droid developed a reputation as a nasty killer that enjoyed its work, although little was known about its origins. This droid was designed around a moto-ball base that supported a clam-shell cranium and long, articulated arms. Its critical systems were well-armored, and it kept itself in peak condition. EL-434 found its way into the employ of the Empire, which used it to eliminate Alliance bases and destroy Alliance personnel. EL-434 was captured by the Alliance on one such mission, after they were alerted to EL-434's arrival. The droid overrode its self-destruct programming, reasoning that it could better assist the Empire by gathering information on Alliance safe-worlds. EL-434 was on the transport ship Celestial when it was commandeered by Bane Nothos and Grand Moff Ravik, and EL-434 suddenly found itself in Otherspace, imprisoned on the Desolate. The Charon bioscientists wanted to disassemble EL-434, in an effort to understand how a non-organic construct could override its programming and increase its own abilities. EL-434 escaped during the Alliance's attempts to escape from the Desolate, although the droid was unable to escape the Charon ship when the Alliance did.
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