Elan Sleazebaggano
this near-human Balosar lived on the planet Coruscant, during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. Unknown to most beings, his true name was Elan Sel'Sabagno, but he preferred to use this name in order to hide his true identity. He was a noted drug dealer in the CoCo District, peddling death sticks to anyone who would buy them. At one time, Elan was a student of medicine, and had a promised career as a doctor to look forward to. Unfortunately, he ran afoul of Hat Lo, who discovered Elan's connection to restricted pharmaceutical drugs when Elan himself became addicted to Ixetal cilona extract. Elan was distinguished by his unruly, wiry hair anf the two small antennae that sprouted from his head. He tried to sell death sticks to Obi-Wan Kenobi, during the Jedi Knight's search for Zam Wesell, but was unable to overcome the mental manipulations of the Jedi. It was rumored that Elan went home that night and resolved to clean up his life. His resolved apparently didn't last very long, however, as Elan soon went back to his old ways. He also became a lackey working for Hat Lo, driving a speeder for the minor crimelord's guests. Elan also found a small niche selling rare and highly weapons, and he was able to secure a Kamino saberdart for young Boba Fett, who had traveled to Coruscant in an attempt to kill Mace Windu.