Ekh'm Val
this Yuuzhan Vong commander was the first to claim he had located the lost planet of Zonama Sekot, many months after the Battle of Ebaq. Val's forces had been repelled by the planet, and he made haste to return with his report. Unfortunately, only rumors of his discovery reached the planet Coruscant, which had been reformed into a new version of Yuuzha'tar. Commander Val was said to be returning to Yuuzhan'tar with a piece of the rogue planet, when he disappeared while returning for an audience with Supreme Overlord Shimrra. Ngaaluh later learned that Commander Val's task force had been purposely destroyed, and Val himself had been thrown into Shimrra's charnal pits, where he was consumed by the yargh'un kept there. Master Shaper Nen Yim was given access to the piece of Zonama Sekot Val maanged to acquire, which was a specialized Sektoan starship. Nen Yim's work with the starship, as well as her knowledge of Shimrra's fear of Zonama Sekor, led her to believe that Shimrra himself was a fraud.