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Elegance Message Drone

developed by Industrial Automaton, this nine-meter-long cylinder was capable of hyperspacial travel, and was designed to carry messages to virtually any destination in a matter of hours. However, they were extremely expensive, and the instantaneous communication made possible by the HoloNet forced the Elegance drone out of favor. However, the Empire realized the need for secure, emerceny communications, and maintained a small supply for use by remote Imperial Governors. So did many news agencies, who acquired Elegance drones to send information from system to system. The drone had limited computer capability, basically just enough to get the drone from one location to the other. Information was placed within sealed compartments for transport, and delivered only when the encoded signal emitted from the drone was answered with the correct codes. The Elegance drone was equipped with a self-destruct mechanism, designed to go off if the security protocols were bypassed. These drones were notorious for needed continual maintenance, as their hyperdrive motivators burned out after just five uses.
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