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Ellon, Jost

this young boy encountered R2-D2 and C-3PO on the planet Dodz, shortly after they were deposited on the planet by the Intergalactic Droid Agency. The droids were to become the servants of Lott Kemp, but Kemp's dwelling was destroyed Governor Kugg's droid, the Destroyer. Jost himself had lost his home and his family to one of Kugg's first demands for more taxes, and he was forced to live in a remote cave to avoid being arrested himself. Jost survived by doing odd jobs for his friends, fixing what he could and doing manual labor for food and a few credits. During his scavenging missions, Jost discovered an old Ranger X-1, which he reactivated with the help fo R2-D2 and C-3PO. With the help of the droids, Jost and the X-1 were able to defeat the Destroyer and break Kugg's hold on the people of Dodz. His old Ranger X-1, with its power circuits permanently damaged, was placed on a small hill as a monument to the unending dream of freedom held by all citizens of Dodz.
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