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this short, heavy race of shaggy humanoids is native to the underground caverns of the planet Elom. Their fur is oily and thick, and their skin is tough enough to withstand the sharp rocks and stones of their habitat. Their fingers and toes end in hooked claws that are used to grasp and dig. Their eyes are set on short stalks on either side of their heads, and their mouths are punctuated by two short tusks. They are peaceful herbivores, and have remained outside of the galactic community while the Elomin have embraced the galaxy. Some younger Eloms have been outspoken about receiving the benefits realized by the Elomin, and this dissention was only heightened when the Empire took control of Elom. The Elom race evolved on the surface of Elom, but moved underground to search out roots and tubers when the water levels of their planet dropped. Thus, they didn't gain from the interaction with the Old Republic or the Empire, as did the Elomin. The two races remained separated, especially since the Elomin refused to acknowlege the Eloms in their "ordered" view of thew universe. Many Eloms simply retreated deeper into their caves. The Star Wars Customizable Card Game confuses Elom with Elomin, stating that the Eloms worked to sabotage the Imperial war machine by adapting stolen equipment for the Alliance.
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