Elegos A'kla
this Caamasi male and his young daughter Releqy were saving from the ravages of Remart Sasyru by Corran Horn. Elegos, the Trusant for the Morymento Caamasi Remnant, deferred to Corran and became his manservant, in order to better protect his people. His mother's brother was Ylenic It'kla. Through genetic memnii, Elegos felt a bond with Corran, andexplained that becoming his manservant would be beneficial to the Caamasi on Kerilt in the long run. This vision came to pass when Elegos accompanied Corran to Suarbi 7/5, where they rescued Mirax and defeat Leonia Tavira. On Surabi 7/5, Elegos discovered a owrld much more hospitable to the Caamasi than Kerilt, and also found that the Khuiumin Survivors and surrednering members of the Invids would need the Caamasi guidance and calmness to forge a new society. He also learned of the story of the Alderaan Graveyard through Tycho Celchu, and established a similar way of honoring the Caamasi dead after he reloacted to Suarbi 7/5. Several years later, Elegos played a role in the resolution of the Caamas Incident, helping deliver the fragment of transmission from Colonel Vermel to Leia Organa-Solo and setting up a meeting between her and Admiral Pellaeon. Elegos was eventually named the Senator who represented the Caamasi Remnant in the New Republic. He agreed to accompany Leia Organa Solo on a fact-finding mission to the Outer Rim Territories, in an effort to prove to the Senate that the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy was a real threat. Eventually, they were forced to fight their way clear of the Yuuzhan Vong to return to Coruscant, and still the leadership of the Republic failed to grasp the import of the invasion. Elegos finally became fed up with politics, and traveled to Dubrillion to present himself as an envoy to Shedao Shai. Shedao Shai agreed to hosst Elegos as an emissary, against the wishes of Deign Lian. Elegos and Shedao Shai learned much from each other, until the New Republic discovered that the pollen of the bafforr tree caused permanent damage to their crab armor. In an effort to draw out Corran Horn - who had killed two of his relatives - Shedao Shai murdered Elegos and had his skeleton gilded and packed in a sarcophagus. Elegos' remains were sorely received by Corran, who eventually met Shedao Shai in a duel.