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Elora Sund

this young Sullustan Jedi Padawan was part of the task force dispatched to the planet Jabiim, during the height of the Clone Wars. Like many of the students who were forced into battle, Elora lost her Master to the Jabiimite rebels. Elora continued to adapt to the changing conditions, however, stealing a pair of repulsor boots to move about the battlefield with uncanny speed. She found herself growing attached to Tae Diath, as the battle ground on and the Padawans continued to fight. However, during their final stand against the forces of Alto Stratus, Tae was cut down by a group of assassin droids. Elora, connected to Tae through a link in the Force, caught the psychic backlash of his death in her mind. The blast was too powerful for her to handle, and she was killed instantly.
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