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a non-descript planet in the Minos Cluster, it was on Eliad that Emperor Palpatine exiled a large number of nobles after stripping them of their power. He offered them the chance to remain alive - rather than make martyrs out of them by killing them - if they remained in permanent exile. If they agreed, they were allowed to take with them all of their wealth. Eliad was one of a handful of remote worlds that Palpatine chose as his exile colonies. With nothing to do and nowhere to go, the incredibly rich settlers of Eliad devised increasingly sophisticated and demented ways of entertaining themselves. The inhabitants remained staunch, albeit quite, supporters of the Old Republic, but they kept their beliefs to themselves rather than attract Imperial attention. Palpatine stationed a Lancer-class frigate in orbit around Eliad, to keep the nobles in their places. The average day on Eliad lasts 21 standard hours, while its year encompasses 381 local days.
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