this elderly Serp was rescued from a carnivorous plant by Luke Skywalker, when the young rebel was on Serphidi as part of a mission to negotiate a treaty with the Serps. Elglih took Luke to his home in Harmony Glade and provided him with food, and told him the history of the Serp people. Elglih then explained that he needed to challenge King S'Shah in a doom-joust, hopefully to defeat the tyrant and free the Serp people. Luke reluctantly agreed to serve as Elglih's squire, although Elglih was forced to recognize that Luke was a better jouster than he was. Elglih then convinced Luke to challenge King S'Shah in his place. Luke managed toi unseat S'Shah, and the King agreed to submit to Luke. However, S'Shah pulled a micro-jolt from his robes and tried to kill Luke. Seeing the danger, Elglih used his own weapon to shoot S'Shah dead. Although it was Luke who defeated S'Shah in battle, Elglih was named the new King of Serphidi, and he agreed to throw the support of the Serp people over to the Alliance, as a way to repay Luke for his defeat of S'Shah.