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Random Weekend Star Wars Fun (1/9&10)

Posted By Mike on January 10, 2010

As random as we wanna be...

While we had previously reported on Natalie Portman signing on to the upcoming film adaptation of the comic Thor, we didn't mention Nick Fury or the actor playing him. From our friend Shane Jedi:

"Natalie Portman and Samuel L. Jackson will be together again in Marvel Studios 'Thor' due for release May 6 2011.
Natalie will play Jane Foster while Sam Jackson will play Nick Fury.
For Trek fans, Aussie actor Chris Hemsworth (George Kirk) will play the lead role Thor."

(Thanks Shane!)

An editorial at ComicBookMovie.com thinks Avatar has surpassed Star Wars. What say you?

The MTV Movies Blog breaks down George Lucas' appearance on The Daily Show with John Stewart.
(via SW.com)

From CNN.com:

"Boy with stutter stops talking for ten years before going on to become one of the most revered voices in cinema history.

It is a script Hollywood would have been proud to pen. But there was no need as this is the story of James Earl Jones, arguably the most well-known voice in modern cinema.

The voice behind Darth Vader's mask in the "Star Wars" trilogy told CNN's Becky Anderson that from the ages of five to 14 he barely spoke a word.

"I stuttered so badly I gave up talking," Earl Jones said.

He remembers the misery his condition caused him and says he is indebted to an English teacher who helped give him the confidence to start speaking again."

Click here for the full article!
(Thanks James!)

See below for a few links to the Official Starwars.com Blog that we may not have covered or linked to this week...

Snow + Yoda = Snoda
NASA WISE or R2-D2 in Disguise?
Hiro Channels His Inner Jedi on Heroes
Millennium Falcon Guitar

Random video above: "The Cantina Band Entertains"
(Thanks Tom!)

Random video above: "Vader in Japan"
(Thanks Tom!)

Random video above: "Cumbia Imperial" de Patricio Cobarde
(via ClubJade.net)

Have a great week!

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