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Random Weekend Star Wars Fun (1/2&3)

Posted By Mike on January 3, 2010

Random Weekend Star Wars Fun makes it's semi-triumphant return after taking a few week's hiatus for the holidays. Hope everyone had a fun holiday season and some much needed time off work. But now, back to the grind...

Now the astronomers don't necessarily refer to the new "water world" they found as Mon Calamari, but they don't say that its not Mon Calamari either.
(Thanks Tom!)

Those not wanting to wait for the new publication of The Complete Vader may want to keep their eyes peeled in the UK. Seems that there are still copies out there from the first run and some are being sold at a discount. Our friend Julian found 3 copies at his local Waterstones with the price reduced from ?30 to ?7.49. The store was nice enough to let him check out the book for imperfections (even though it was wrapped) and luck would have it that the book was in perfect condition. No sticking pages. Congrats to Julian on his find and thanks for sharing with us!

Revenge of the Sith lands at #8 on the Spanish movie site, Boletodecine.com's list of the top films of the last decade. Bear in mind that the list is in Spanish.
(Thanks Albert!)

See below for some links to the Official Starwars.com Blog that we may not have covered or linked to during the holidays...

Happy Holidays from Lord Vader
The Most Beautiful Footage of Rick McCallum Eating a Sausage You?ll See Today
Yoda & Hal Sparks = BFF!
Nathan Fillion?s Jedi Christmas Tree
Star Wars Art Spotted in Big Bang Theory
MacFarlane?s Family Guy: Star Wars Party

Random video above: "Star Wars / A-Team opening"
(Thanks Jonathan!)

Random video above: "lukeing forward - The Imperial March"
(Thanks to the SWEx Team!)

Random video above: "Star Wars: The Bounty Hunters Unmasked"
(Thanks Kevin!)

Random video above: "Darth Vader - Don't Worry Be Happy
(Thanks Tom!)

Have a great 2010!

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