Echo Base
this was the code name for the Alliance's base on Hoth, after the Massassi Base on Yavin 4 was abandoned. It took nearly two standards years to complete the underground complex, and accommodated some 7,500 combat personnel, 350 medical personnel, and 120 special-duty droids at the height of its occupation. The two main entrances to the base were located on the north and south faces of the Clabburn Range, and the base itself was hidden beneath the mountains. After the Battle of Hoth, the Alliance abandoned Echo Base as well. In a last-ditch effort to thwart the invading Imperials, the v-150 ion cannon that protected the base was set to self-destruct, taking a large portion of Echo Base with it. Years later, the Imperial Remnant established its own operations in the remains of Echo Base, digging under the hulk of a burned-out AT-AT to hide their activities. Kyle Katarn and his apprentice discovered that the Imperials had been helping a group of Sith devotees locate the Alliance's computer core, in the hopes of determining the exact location of Dagobah.