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Eclipse-class Star Destroyer

this huge warship was designed by Emperor Palpatine himself, and was years in the planning at the Kuat Drive Yards. Twice the size of its forerunner, the Super-class Star Destroyer, the Eclipse-class was 17,500 meters in length. Manned by 708,470 crewers and 4,175 gunners, the Eclipse-class was designed to instill fear, much like the Death Star. It was the first Imperial ship to use the awesome axial superlaser. This immense weapon, a single laser based on the eight-laser Death Star superlaser, was capable of destroying an entire planet from orbit. It employed a series of focusers and generators to form the single laser. The Eclipse-class was also equipped with 550 heavy laser cannons, 500 turbolaser batteries, 75 ion cannons, 100 tractor beam projectors, and 10 gravity well projectors. Fifty TIE Interceptor squadrons, eight TIE Bomber squadrons, and 100 AT-ATs were nestled in hangars that could hold an entire Victory-class Star Destroyer. It was made from all-black hull components, making it nearly invisible to the naked eye.
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