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Edalm, Darryn

this Imperial researcher mistakenly rediscovered the original surveys of the planet Karra, and believed that an undiscovered varmigio lode was still hidden within the planet's crust. He failed to read the follow-on reports from the Mineral Assets Partnership, which showed the planet had no such reserves of varmigio. However, Edalm's research and presenation convinced his superiors of the mineral wealth of Karra, and Edalm was promoted to Governor of the planet. When it was discovered that the planet had no natural resources to provide, the Empire denounced Edalm and withdrew its support of the Karra mines. He was ordered to relinquish control of the planet, and feared that he would be executed. A shuttle was dispatched to collect him, but it crashed before leaving Karra' atmosphere. Edalm surrendered himself to Doctor Elth Nardah, hoping to avoid execution. After Nardah's death, Edalm was imprisoned on Shimmer.
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