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this is regarded as the most difficult role to play in the Corellian tragedy Uhl Eharl Khoehng. The actor who plays is perfectly is assured of greatness. Adalric Brandl was given the part at the age of thirty, and hoped that his son, Jaalib, would eventually grow into the role. The Edjian-Prince was the determined son of a king who dies, leaving his small forest kingdom to the Prince. The Prince was not satisfied with the small holdings he inherited, and began to send woodsmen into the forest to chop down trees and make room for growth. However, the forest was ruled by the Eharl Khoehng, who tricked the Prince into sending all his subjects into the forest. The Edjian-Prince, consumed with the need to cut down the forest, sends every last citizen into the woods, until he is alone and frightened by the Eharl Khoehng. The Trickster King sends dreams of peace and safe passage to the Prince in dreams, and the Prince feels that he has one last chance to gain the forest. However, the Eharl Khoehng tricks him, trapping him in the forest for ten years before finally appearing. The Edjian-Prince learns that his subjects have been turned into the trees of the forest, and the only way to restore them is to acknowledge the Eharl Khoehng as king. The Edjian-Prince goes mad and refuses, then burns the forest to the gorund. He then submits himself to the Eharl Khoehng and mutters, "Long ... live ... the king."
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