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a race of small worm-like creatures native to the moon Trilos, some Ee exist on the planet Atraken. The Ee grow no longer than six centimeters, and have a grayish color that darkens near their heads. Their bodies are covered with all manner of sensory nerve endings, allowing them to detect changes around them. The Ee consume minerals and fungus on Trilos, burrowing through the rock to reach various veins of minerals. The Ee digestive process them converts the raw minerals into highly-refined ores, which are excreted. The Ee are intelligent, and determined that they can produce certain forms of ore based on which raw materials they ingest. The Ee also have tremendous egos, bolstered by the fact that they have certain Force-like mental powers. These powers include telepathy, telekinesis, changing temperature, and memory alteration. The Ee society has five distinct segments: Purifiers, which are adept at producing various alloys; Weavers, which take processed materials and form them into machines; Thinkers, who have a knack for theories and principles; Mindbenders, which have strong mental talents; and Bulwarks, which are the protectors of Ee society. Note that Ee technology is highly-advanced, but it is all of a scale that can be used by the Ee.
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