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this planet, one of five worlds in the Nharl System, was once the homeworld of the Equani race. Shortly before the Battle of Geonosis, the planet's primary star emitted an intense, ten light-minute long solar flare. The energy - light, heat, and radiation - washed over Equanus and literally cooked the planet in space. Oceans boiled instantly, the atmosphere was stripped away, and the landmasses were scorched barren. Of the billion Equani that were living in the galaxy, only the few hundred that were off-planet at the time survived. Many of the surviving Equani believed that the solar flare ejected by the star was not a natural phenomenon, but the result of a test-firing of the fire Death Star's superlaser. The test was miscalculated, and the star erupted with the solar flare. Although it was of little consolation to the Equani, the scientists who were conducting the test were killed in the flare as well.
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