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this was the name used by Tash and Zak Arranda to describe the small child they discovered in the laboratory hidden on the planet Kiva. They first found Eppon as an infant in an egg-shaped creche, and the baby could only say one word: "eppon." They had nothing else to call it, so they named it "Eppon." However, the baby began to grow before their eyes, becoming a toddler just as a team from the Alliance arrived on Kiva to search out Project Starscream. Little did they know that Eppon was the culmination of the Project's research. As Eppon continued to grow at an incredible rate, he required food. He consumed several unwary Alliance soldiers before his true nature was revealed by Borborygmus Gog, his creator. Eppon was the first of Gog's Army of Terror, a group of biologically-created weapons that would never die, could change form at will, could read the minds of its victims and use their deepest fears against them, was impervious to the Force, and grew stronger with each feeding. As Eppon matured, a purple splotch spread from his forehead to cover his entire body with a scale-like armor, and he transformed from a child into a hideous monster. When Eppon turned on Gog after realizing his fate, Gog activated the fail-safe mechanism in each of his warriors: a small explosive implanted in Eppon's brain. The explosion destroyed much of Eppon's body, but a small spark of life remained alive afterward.
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