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this herd animal was native to the planet Tatooine. Eopies had small, bulbous bodies supported by four spindly legs. Eopies could walk within minutes of being born, a defense mechanism against the desert predators of the planet. They were quite sure-footed in the sandy desert, but were awkward in water. The knees of an eopie were covered with thick calluses, developed from years of kneeling down to reach water and shrubs. Adults are also used as beasts of burden, while the young and elderly eopies are useful for consuming the desert weeds that grow up near homes and hydroponics labs. The nose and skull of the eopie allowed it to dig and grub for lichens and tubers, and two pairs of sharp incisors helped the eopie bite off their food. Eopies had the annoying habit of spitting the contents of their stomach at an object which startled or angered them. Most eopies maintained by farmers on Tatooine provided a wealth of items, including hides, meat, and a highly nutritious - though extremely perishable - milk.
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