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Ephant Mon

this Chevin was known for his mercenary skills. He specialized in gun running, and would sell his wares to just about anyone. Shortly before the Battle of Naboo, Ephant Mon was involved with two intertwined but equally illegal operations for Jabba the Hutt: the import of high technology to Cerea, and the export of malium from the planet. In the business with Bron, Ephant Mon befriended Maj-Odo-Nomor and his techrat friends in order to gain a measure of popular support while remaining behind the scenes. However, the plan was thwarted by the appearance of Ki-Adi-Mundi, who was searching for his own daughter, Sylvn, as well as Maj. Ephant Mon was forced to transport them to Tatooine, but was stowed away on a cargo ship that contained divvik pupae. The pupae hatched, forcing them to hide in an escape pod. The divviks damaged much of the ship's control systems in their rage to find flesh, and left the escape pod's ejection systems disabled. Mon used the presence of Sylvn to lure Ki to their rescue. When the situation turned against him, Ephant Mon jettisoned the escape pod and returned to Jabba's palace with Sylvn and Twin in chains. They tried to diffuse the situation by leaving the two girls at the mercy of one of Tatooine's awesome ion storms. The plan was to distract Ki while they covered their tracks. Ki managed to rescue the girls, but Mon and Jabba the Hutt managed to evade capture. He worked with Jabba several years later, running weapons on one of Glakka's moons. One of Jabba's men had turned them into the Imperial authorities, and Mon and Jabba were forced to fight their way out. They were able to escape, but had to brave chill weather during the night. Jabba wrapped his then-thinner body around Mon, keeping him warm until the night passed and they could get off-world. Since then, Ephant Mon had remained loyal to Jabba for saving his life, and eventually became the chief of security at Jabba's Tatooine palace. Ephant had many offers of employment from Lady Valarian while on Tatooine, but he kept strongly to his loyalties to Jabba. When Luke Skywalker entered Jabba's palace, Ephant Mon was drawn to the young Jedi. Luke appealed to Mon to warn Jabba about his imminent demise, and Mon discovered that he had been following something similar to the Force his entire life. He pleaded with Jabba. but to no avail. Jabba then accused Mon of plotting against him, and spurned the Chevin. Jabba left for the Pit of Carkoon without Mon at his side. The novelization of Return of the Jedi has Ephant Mon in a battle with Ree-Yees aboard Jabba's Sail Barge while Jabba was taking Luke and Han to the Great Pit of Carkoon. Ephant Mon was getting beaten very badly, much to Jabba's pleasure. It is believed that Ephant Mon was killed aboard Jabba's sail barge when it exploded. Mon, upon hearing of Jabba's death, returned to Vinsoth to contemplate the Force and run a few profitable scams on the side.
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