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a planet located in Nilgaard Sector. It was the first terrestrial planet in the Emmer System, which was dominated by an asteroid belt and a gas giant with six moons. It was colonized many millennia before the Battle of Yavin, and the human stock of the original colonists evolved into a stout-bodied race of near-humans known as Emmerians. The planet was also home to contingents of Herglics, Ugors, and Defels. Those areas not covered with urban sprawl were covered with a tall grass which radiated a polychromatic light like a fiber-optic cable. This grass was extremely resilient and fast-growing, making it impossible to build roads on the planet. The planet's heavy gravity virtually nullified the effects of standard repulsor-lift vehicles, so walker-like vehicles were produced to move about. The Empire modeled their AT-AT's after many Emmerian innovations.
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