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this Hutt was one of Jabba the Hutt's main business associates, during the years leading up to the Battle of Yavin. Embra was somewhat unusual among Hutts in that he chose to operate in a non-violent way whenever possible. He rewarded individuals for success, rather then eliminating them for failure, and garnered a loyalty among his subjects that was not found in Jabba's court. It was rumored that Embra disagreed with Jabba's placement of a bounty on the head of Han Solo, claiming that the loss of a small cargo was preferable to the loss of a skileld smuggler. Embra was part of the trio of Hutts, along with Jabba and Malta, who wagered on the effectiveness of various business methods in recovering the fabled Yavin Vassilika. Embra hired Zuckuss and 4-LOM, as well as Sardu Wallowe, to locate Illyan Webble and the crystal. Embra hoped to prove that efficient business practices would win out against brute force and treachery in the search for the Vassilika. Years later, during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy, Embra was one of the few Hutt leaders who remain in Hutt Space after the alien invaders assumed control of Nal Hutta. By this time, Embra had metamorphosed into a female, and decided to hide out on Nar Shaddaa and hope that the Yuuzhan Vong wouldn't find her. Unfortunately, the aliens captured one of her Klatooinian commanders, who told the Yuuzhan Vong about her location before he was sacrificed. The Yuuzhan Vong eventually located and captured Embra, offering her up as a sacrifice to their gods. Note that a male Hutt named Embra appears in The Unifying Force as the leader of the Sisar Runners.
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