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Emperor Palpatine Surgical Reconstruction Center

this was the new name given to the Coruscant Medical Hospital in the wake of the Clone Wars and the formation of the Galactic Empire. Located at the top of one of Imperial City's tallest buildings, the so-called EmPal SuRecon facility was once - and, in the minds of many of Coruscant's citizens, still is - one of the most advanced centers for the treatment of badly injured patients. However, after the institution of the New Order, Palpatine had the facility retooled for his own evil needs. Additional shielding and the placement of VLD2261 laser cannons were installed to protect the building, while a complete Sith medical center was installed inside. Palpatine, in his guise as Darth Sidious, maintained a meditation chamber within the center. Crystals from Korriban, steeped in the Dark Side of the Force, were used alongside the galaxy's most advanced medical technologies, allowing Palpatine to twist his adepts and advisors to his own needs. It was here that Darth Vader was brought, after he was badly injured on Mustafar by Obi-Wan Kenobi, to undergo the reconstruction necessary to keep his body alive. A portion of this facility was destroyed when Vader was allowed to leave the operating table, when Palpatine revealed that it was Vader himself who had killed his wife, Padme' Amidala Skywalker. In his rage, Vader unleashed a wave of telekinetic power that destroyed the medical droids that were attending him, and much of the room suffered from structural damage.
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