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Emancipation Virus

developed by Xalto Sneerzick and Babalabbet Swoont, this small program was designed to work its way into a droid's programming and destroy any subservient traits. The virus also eliminated the droid's life preservation programming, freeing the droid from any bonds it might have had to organic masters. Sneerzick had been raiding Cosmohaul Shipping transport vessels, looking for droids to free, when he was presented the opportunity to take control of the Argent Lady and its cargo of 100 R5 droids. He set the emancipation virus free among the R5s, hoping to test it further and enlist more followers. However, the R5 personality matrix - as programmed by Industrial Automaton - was poorly completed in order to shave off a few credits in the price of the droids. The R5 series tends to grew sour and bitter with age, and this trait brought out the worst possible result in the emancipation virus. The R5s began to turn against anything in their way, including Sneerzick's followers. The R5s were destroyed by a team of freelance mercenaries, but not before they managed to kill Sneerzick and his fellow abolitionists.
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