an Imperial-I class Star Destroyer captured by the New Republic, the Emancipator was originally known as the Imperial ship Accuser. The Emancipator first saw duty for the New Republic when Laryn Kre'fey used it as the command ship in the assault on the Imperial baseworld Blackmoon. Later, the Emancipator was the lead ship in the force sent to take Ciutric back from Prince-Admiral Krennel. The ship and its fleet barely survived, and the Emancipator lived to fight another day. After the rise to power of Emperor Palpatine's clone on Byss, the Emancipator was commanded by Wedge Antilles and Lando Calrissian at the first Battle of Calamari. It sustained a great deal of damage, and Lando was finally forced to abandon it. Instead of condemning the ship to a useless death, he rammed a World Devastator with it, after getting the crew offboard. Note that, according to X-Wing: Isard's Revenge, this ship was an Imperial-II class warship.