this was the name given to the nomadic natives of the planet Shalyvane. The Em'liy were often very concerned about the impression given by others, and entire wars have been fought over whether or not one Em'liy leader impressed another. However, when the Empire subjugated Shalyvane and established a garrison on the planet, the Em'liy were forced to flee into the wilderness and reassess their beliefs. Natural survivors, the Em'liy began to lash out at the off-worlders who were taking control of their planet, fighting a series of guerilla skirmishes against the Imperials. The average Em'liy stood nearly two meters in height, and was heavily muscled. Their skin coloration could range from yellow to orange to blue, and they wore their hair in long topknots that denoted their social status and intimidated their enemies. Each Em'liy appeared to be almost faceless, as their olfactory and auditory systems were completely internal, being covered with a thin layer ofgas-permeable skin.