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the Super-class Star Destroyer used as Darth Vader's flagship, the Executor was the first in a long line of fearsome warships that descended from the Imperial-class Star Destroyer. There are many rumors surrounding the construction of the Executor: Many claim that the ship was built at the shipyards of Fondor, while others contend it was built by an unspecified Kuat Drive Yards facility as reported in the Imperial Defense Daily. However, the true Executor was built at Fondor. The Kuat ship was built under the same name, but was later renamed Lusankya when it was launched. Note that the short story Small Favors claims Vader took command of the Executor directly from Kuat Drive Yards, which contradicts the Kuat ship's becoming the Lusankya. Equally enigmatic is the Executor's construction period. The only real knowledge is that the ship was turned over to Darth Vader between his escape from the Battle of Yavin and the Battle of Hoth. The plans to the huge ship were stolen by Luke Skywalker and Tanith Shire, but revealed no weaknesses to Alliance technicians. The ship's name was given by Vader on its maiden voyage, as it destroyed the Alliance outpost on Laakteen Depot while en route to Yavin 4. Its first commander was executed by Vader for failing to complete a mission to eradicate the Massassi Base. It was then placed under the command of Admiral Ozzel, during the search for the Alliance leading up to the Battle of Hoth. It was Ozzel who brought the fleet out of hyperspace too far out from Hoth, alerting the Alliance to the fleet's presense. Vader executed Ozzel on the spot, and promoted Captain Piett to Admiral, and commander of the ship. Following a number of victories over the Alliance, the Executor was finally destroyed during the Battle of Endor, when a concerted attack by Alliance pilots disabled the ship. Without steering and navigation, it plowed into the surface of the second Death Star and exploded.
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