this world is the primary planet in the Exocron System, located in the Kathol Outback and hidden within a gas cloud. Much of the population of the Outback is unaware of the existence of Exocron, since it is located within a nebula of gases that interfere with most sensor systems. Most star maps of the Outback fail to show Exocron, which is just as well for the planet's inhabitants. The planet was originally settled by colonists of the Cabal, who fled the hypocrisy and "plastic society" of the Core Worlds during the early time of the Old Republic to find the world of Exo. Their ship, the Exocros Cabal, was damaged in an asteroid storm, and wandered the galaxy until it found Exocron. The planet was named for their ship, and the colonists destroyed their ship and set up a guardian force to keep it safe for future use. In the meantime, the majority of the colonists began living off the land and keeping to themselves. The guardians became known as the Devisors, and became the upper of two social castes. Any new technology had to be approved by the Devisors before it could be made available for general use. The splitting of the social structure was not easy, though, and many small battles erupted between factions who wanted more control or more freedom. A series of unification wars swept the planet in the years just prior to the Battle of Yavin, re-establishing the position of the Devisors. Jorj Car'das retired to Exocron after running into the Aing-Tii monks.