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this starfighter, which was one of the first ships to employ the R7 astromech droid, was the first starfighter to be fully designed and built under the auspices of the New Republic, and was created by FreiTek Incorporated. The ship, while visually like the X-Wing, had a pair of stable wings. It dished out punishment and could take it equally well, being armed with three heavy blaster cannons and a proton torpedo launcher. It used the R7 droid to take advantage of a redesigned hyperdrive system. The only drawback to the E-Wing's weapons systems was the fact that they were based on a synthetic Tibanna gas that isn't as good as the real thing. The New Republic employed several models of the E-Wing. The basic A-Model was equipped with a Class 2 hyperdrive, measured 11.2 meters in length, and could attain speeds of 1,300 kilometers per hour in atmosphere. The E-Wing Type B was nearly identical to the A-model, except that Mon Calamarian techs helped triple the power input to the weapons systems. This made the Type B extremely powerful, but if the couplings failed and the weapons overheated, they could be extremely dangerous. A Series 4 E-Wing was introduced after the death of Grand Admiral Thrawn, to utilize more stable blaster gas and a dedicated power generation system for the weapons. These E-Wings could also use R2 astromech droids.
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