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Executor-class Star Destroyer

an immense, heavy-duty Imperial Star Destroyer designed and built just before the destruction of the first Death Star, the Executor-class Star Destroyer was essentially an 8-kilometer-long battle station. Note that the official Star Wars Databank indicates the Executor-class Star Destroyer measured 12,800 meters in length, while Star Wars: Star Pilot provides a length of 19,000 meters. Four of these huge capital ships were initially built by Kuat Drive Yards, displaying the depths of the Emperor's coffers and his desire to flaunt his power. The initial Executor-class design was created by Lira Wessex, and although it was deemed militarily impractical - several smaller ships could have performed the same job - it was ultimately successful in support of the Tarkin Doctrine. It was most often used as a command ship, and was manned by a crew of 279,144 accompanied by 1,590 gunners. Its weapons systems included 250 heavy turbolaser batteries, 250 turbolaser batteries, 250 concussion missile tubes, 250 ion cannons, and 40 tractor beam projectors. Darth Vader's command ship Executor was the first of these ships to be commissioned and completed, although its exact origins remain the stuff of legend. The ship was presented to the Dark Lord to assist in his search for the Alliance, in the wake of the Battle of Yavin. Alliance forces often referred to this type of ship as a Super-class Star Destroyer, or simply a Super Star Destroyer, since it was larger than anything they had ever seen.
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