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this pseudo-religious event was concocted by the Hutts and the t'landa Til, for use in maintaining a calm slave-labor pool on Ylesia. Described to pilgrims as contact with the Oneness, the Exaltation was actually a physical manifestation performed by the t'landa Til. These creatures were able to use a throat pouch to inhale air and expel it in sonic vibrations. The t'landa Til could manipulate the wavelength and force of the vibrations by forcing air over cilia in the pouch, creating inaudible waves that affected the brains of other sentients. In reality, male t'landa Til use the process to stir females into mating readiness when they are in heat. The Exaltation revolved around the pilgrims receiving intense waves of pleasure and serenity from a t'landa Til priest. Over time, the pilgrims became addicted to the Exaltation, and required it every day in order to continue their lives. The Hutts and the t'landa Til were more than happy to oblige, for it kept the pilgrims blind to the true nature of the work they performed. However, it was sometimes boring for them, since the males got no pleasure out of it themselves.
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