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Exis Station

Nomi Sunrider called a convocation of the Jedi Knights on this station, located in the Teedio System, ten years after the Great Sith War. The Jedi gathered to discuss how to repair the rifts opened during the War, and how to continue their order. The meeting became known as the Exis Convocation, and it became a large part of the lore of the Jedi. Over the centuries, Exis Station was eventually abandoned, and it began to drift closer to its closest star, Teedio, as its power supplies dwindled. During the last decades of the Old Republic, entrepreneurial miners established a base on Exis Station, and used the Station's proximity to Teedio to collect all sorts of ion and solar-flare energy. Smaller modules were connected to the main hub by an assortment of tunnels and tubes, and Exis itself began to look like a rayed star. Teedio's unstable makeup produced incredible bursts, and the miners made huge profits. When Teedio became too unstable, though, the Station was abandoned again. The Jedi Knights, who had maintained a vast library and storehouse on the station, took their treasures and scattered them throughout the galaxy. During the early decades of the New Republic, Tionne discovered the location of the station from Fonterrat, and there she met Luke Skywalker for the first time. Together, they managed to push the Station's degenerating orbit outward, saving Exis Station from destruction and giving the Jedi time to explore its secrets. The exact location of the Jedi library was never found, although the Mage known as Orloc pretended that his laboratory was able to tap into the Force energies of the ancient library.
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