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Random Weekend Star Wars Fun (3/29&30) Posted By Mike on March 30, 2008
Let the randomness begin...
Lets start with a sweet mash up video from Evan H. George Lucas has been recently comparing The Clone Wars to being like Band of Brothers but with Jedi. Evan may have beaten The Maker to the punch. Click here for "Army of Brothers." Thanks Evan!
Remember the "Wassssuuuuuup" guys from back in the day? Well so do the cast of Star Wars. Click here. Thanks Tom!
Friend of TFN, Tom D., was feeling a bit musical this week so the random links he sent over aren't quite so random. The theme is the Star Wars Cantina song set to the music of Copa Cabana. Click on the links below... "Star Wars Cantina Song" (spoof about SW with video) Homemade version right here. How about a version with The Sims 2? Click here. Thanks Tom!
Finally, click here and visit our friends over at the Official Blog for "Han Looks a Little Frantic." The post takes a look at how the Han Solo artwork depiction on the Japanese cover of the novel Hero's Trial, seems to come from the movie Frantic...starring Harrison Ford.