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Random Weekend Star Wars Fun (5/3&4)

Posted By Mike on May 4, 2008

Happy Star Wars Day everybody! And now for your holiday edition of "Random Weekend Star Wars Fun":

Well, the election is on a lot of people minds these days so lets begin this week with taking a look at a presidential Star Wars mash-up titled, "The Empire Strikes Barak". Click here! (Thanks Curt!)

Well, we don't call it random for nothing, how about some Star Wars (and one Indy) inspired cats... (Thanks Seth!)
Indy Cat
No Girlfriend
Stay on Target
Emperor Cat
Bring me Solo
The Death Star (not a cat but it still fits in)

How about some random video links form our friend Tom D.?
"Parodie Star Wars - Lisa Kudrow" (From the 1999 MTV Movie Awards)
"Meet the Skywalkers (Simpsons parody)"
"Star Trek vs. Star Wars Pt. 1 - "The Darkest Day"'
"Star Trek vs. Star Wars Pt. 2 - "United We Stand"'
"Star Trek vs. Star Wars Pt. 3 Trailer - "The Best Defence"'
"Federation vs Empire"
"Vader and Heidi Klum Target Ad"
"Darth Vader Police Line-up"
"A Custom Game For Star Wars Fans of All Ages" (From over a year ago but could be new to you if you haven't seen it)
(Thanks Tom!)

The blog over at Blue Sky Disney has an interesting piece about the future of Star Wars and Lucasfilm with or without George Lucas. Not necessarily a news piece, the post reflects the opinion of the poster "Honor Hunter". Click here to check it out. (Thanks Sean)

Lastly, just to make sure you haven't missed some of the cool posts over at the Official Starwars.com Blog...
"Star Wars ?SkyCeiling?'
"Millennium Falcon Spotted in Bay Area"
"Star Wars Fan Abrams Reinvents Trek"
"Star Wars Fun at Maker Faire"
"Star Wars ? Now with Pants!"


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