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Random Weekend Star Wars Fun (2/23&24)

Posted By Mike on February 24, 2008

A mixed bag for this weekend...I guess that's why we call it "random" :)

You might remember some of our friend Franck's previous parody videos here from back in December. Well, he was nice enough to send links over for a couple more. See below:
"National Treasure 2 Vs Star Wars"
"Jumper Trailer parody Vs Star Wars"

Thanks Franck!

Our friend Toph points out that the comic Penny Arcade recently had a fun Star Wars EU reference. Click here. (Thanks Toph!)

Our buddy Seth also found a nice Star Wars comic reference. Click here to check out Ctr+Alt+Del. (Thanks Seth!)

A baseball related tidbit...Hank Steinbrenner of the New York Yankees, speaking about his displeasure of the Red Sox being World Series champions recently said the following: "We'd rather be Darth Vader. Let them be the underdog..." That's about it but you can click here for the full article at YahooNews. (Thanks Tom!)

Sort of Star Wars related...Click here as Gizmodo connects the Mobile Wars with Star Wars. (Thanks Seth!)

More Gizmodo fun; click here to see a Darth Vader mask made out of wool and Guinesss cans. Nice! (Thanks Seth!)

UPDATE: A few more weekend goodies...

Slashfilm.com is displaying a number of reinvented blockbuster movie posters by Andrey Kuznetsov. His theme is to re-imagine them as Russian folk fairy tales. See if you can figure them out...and which one relates to Star Wars. Click here. (Thanks Scott!)

Harris conducted a poll of people's favorite films that stand the test of time. Star Wars came in second just behind Gone with the Wind. Click here for an article about the survey at Yahoo Movies. (Thanks to "Phantom Jedi")

Finally, in the spirit of random Star Wars fun, our friend Tom D. sent over a few links to some fun fan made trailers...

"Fear the Powerful"
"Knights of the Old Republic (kotor) TSL 3rd Fantrailer"
"Star Wars; New Jedi Order FanTrailer (Done)"

Thanks Tom.

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