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Random Weekend Star Wars Fun (3/15&16) Posted By Mike on March 16, 2008
Have no fear the weekend is here (ok it's halfway over but that's no reason not to enjoy the rest of it) Start by checking out the random links below...
Our friend Suresh sent in the following about a cool Star Wars site he stumbles across:
"Hey I wanted to send a cool Star Wars site your way that I found. It's called Basically, it looks at the fanboys hope that Star Wars was real. It shows historical proof that the Star Wars universe existed. Anyway, people can send created pics in and they create a back story, I sent in the bigfoot/wookiee one and my friend sent in the deathstar pic."
Thanks Suresh. We'll be sure to check it out!
What would happen if Darth Vader went on The Springer Show? Hilarity? The editing's a bit rough and Luke seems to have let himself go, but it's still kind of fun. I also like that Vader wears white socks and sneakers. Click here. (Thanks Tom)