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this obnoxious young boy was one of the two Venerated Ones from the planet Vandelhelm. Endro was known formally by his full name, Endrodanar Tiopuld Shaamador Vandelhelm XXIV. Just before the Battle of Endor, Endro and Lilli were whisked off the planet when it became apparent that galactic power was going to change hands. The children were the last heirs to the Vandel and Helm lines, and were given over to Alliance supporters on Ord Vaug. Following the Battle, Han Solo was contracted to pick them up on Ord Vaug and return them to Vandelhelm, an action which would help restore ore shipments to Fondor. They were necessary because they held the control codes which could be used to move the ore convoy out of the system. After Lilli and Endro were formally instated as the Venerated Ones shortly after their return, Endro displayed a knowledge and skill with all manner of technology, which complimented Lilli's keen business sense. Endro was responsible for reaching an accord with the Metalsmiths' Guild that protected Vandelhelm's environment from pollution, keeping it a pristine world for all to experience. However, like many in the Metalsmiths' Guild, Endro chafed at Lilli's demands, especially when it came to the production of the Solo-class combat freighter. Endro plotted with several prominent guildsmen to discredit Lilli during the dedication ceremony for the so-called Solo Fleet, but his plans were exposed by Nien Nunb.
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