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Endregaad Plague

this was the name given to the virulent disease that sprang up on the planet Endregaad during the early years of the New Order. It affected one being in ten, and was distinguished by a fever, extreme loss of body fluids, crusting around the eyes and mouth, and a thickening of the fingers and tongue. Initial investigation by Endregaad's medical community revealed that no species was naturally immune to the plague, but the effects of the disease appeared to be non-fatal. Medicinal spice was found to be a way to control or even cure the disease, allowing a being to recover quickly. While the plague was still infectious, a being had to continue to take the spice treatments, or risk being infected again. Repeated infections would eventually lead to death, as the body became too weak to fight back. Further investigation into the plague revealed that it had striking similarities to diseases which affected other arid worlds like Endregaad. Mika the Hutt discovered that plague's source was a downed YV-100 freighter that had crashed near the Temple Valley. The freighter had been traveling in the Indrexu Spiral when the crew contracted the original plague, and crashed on Endregaad when the crew finally died fom repeated exposure. However, few knew that the freighter was actually one of Mika's own ships, and had been in the Indrexu Spiral on a mission to deliver tempest spice. In the following months, Angela Krin discovered that the Endregaad Plague was a mutated form of a virus that was native to Varl, the planet that was once home to the Hutts. Complicating matters, the virus was capable of altering normal spice into a crude form of tempest.
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