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this Ssi-ruuvi technology allowed them to drain off the life-essence of a living being and store it in unusual batteries for powering their droid starships and other technologies. The process worked best on humans, since their connections to the Force were stronger. The subject was injected with a magnetic solution which was absorbed into the nervous system, and an external circuit was attuned to the internal magnetization of the subject. This "catchment arc" then collected the life-energy of the subject and placed it in batteries. The subject's body almost always died after the entechment was complete, and their life energy existed only for a short time before expiring. In the years following the Battle of Bakura, entechment was enhanced to provide a better experience for the being who was enteched. Additional power systems were developed to assist in handling shields and drive systems, freeing the enteched mind to focus on other activities. This meant that the enteched mind lived longer and with less agony. By the time the P'w'eck Emancipation Movement had ostensibly taken control of the planet Lwhekk, the entechment process could provide a form of immortality for the enteched individual, as the life energy could be contained and maintained almost indefinitely by adding the enteched energies of certain algae and other lower life-forms.
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