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Engebo V

this remote, Outer Rim world was originally settled by miners working for the Outer Rim Oreworks corporation. Using questionable methods, the miners stripped the planet of usable ores in short order, then left it behind when the profits dried up. The landscape was reduced to expanses of flat plains and grasslands, lacking real mountain ranges. This landscape prevented any changes to the weather, allowing winds and rains to pass swiftly from west to east with little variation. After the Madman's Fortune crashed onto Engebo V, a school of skekfish were inadvertently released by Nell Davengatt. Nell and her companions had gone to check out the crash, and opened Goontirk's escape pod to investigate. The skekfish burrowed into the ground and sped toward the nearest food source, killing many beings in The Landing before Nell and a small group of pilots could escape. They made plans with Lady Wylla of Alderaan to bombard Engebo V from orbit, in an effort to kill the skekfish and prevent further infestation.
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